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August - October 
2023  Great news for Phan Lab's members. Dr. Tuan KJhoa Nguyen receives the prestigious ARC DECRA Fellowship (starting from 2024), and Alexander Cunio win University Medal for his outstanding academic performance at UNSW. Congratulations both! 

July 2023  Phan Research Group (Lead CI) is funded the Faculty of Engineering Infrastructure Scheme for a benchtop laser systems that can micromachines semiconductors (SiC, GaN,Si), metals, and insulators (e.g., SiO2 and SiN) with sub 10um resolution. This piece of equipment will be employed for rapid sensor and electronic prototyping. Other CIs include Thanh-Nho Do, Dewei Chu, David Tsai, Shuhua Peng, Xiaopeng Li, Rakesh Joshi, Liao Wu, Kang Liang, Mohit Shivdasani and Tianruo Guo. 

May 2023  Thanh-An's paper on 3D wide band gap material electronics (Advanced Functional Materials) is featured on UNSW News Room. [Link]

Feb 2023 Aditya's work on flexible mesoporous materials featured as an inside front cover of Small. Thanh's paper on soft robotics for in situ 3D bioprinting featured in New York PostUNSW Newsroom, ​Daily MailEngineers AustraliaCreate DigitalFuturismInteresting Engineering, ​​Medical XpressNew AtlasWiredMSNFreethinkUK TimesChina Global Television Network, etc. Congratulate to all authors.
Dr. Phan also gave an interview on ABC Radio about this new surgical robotic technology. (from 1:36 to 1:45)

Dec 2022
 Dr. Phan's research group is granted a new ARCDP project to explore long-term stable implanted electronics. The team includes Dr. Phan, Dr. Do, A/Prof. Liang, Prof. Dimitrijev, and Prof. Rogers. In the same months, three paper from our team got accepted for publication in Adv. Sens. Res., Adv. Mater. Tech., and Adv. Int. System. Congratulations to Thien, Cong, and James and all authors.  

Nov 2022  Phan joined the Youth Editorial Board Member of SoftScience, a new journal in soft materials, devices, and systems, with a renowned advisor board including John Rogers, Dae-Hyeong Kim, Zhifeng Ren, and many others. He also serve in the organising committee of the 2022 MaterialOceana Conference.    

June 2022  Phan was awarded the The GROW Program (Early Career Academic Grants) and the Open-Access Publishing Award (OAPA) for his research on flexible electronics for healthcare applications.  

April 2022  The Phan lab was granted the Collaborative Research Infrastructure Scheme Fund ($50k + matching fund) to purchase a Keysight B1500A semiconductor parameter analyzer. This piece of equipment will boost our research at MME, UNSW in a close collaboration with GSBmE and EET.

February 2022 Dr. Phan will join the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (MME), The University of New South Wales, Sydney (UNSW) from 1st March, 2022. We welcome outstanding Ph.D. candidates to apply to our group to develop advanced materials, electronics and sensors for biomedical applications. 

December 2021 
Dr. Phan and colleagues successfully organised the 2nd Online Conference on Nanomaterials & Electronics for Wearable, Implantable DEvices & Applications (NEWIDEA 2021) that helps connecting the Australian research community in Biomedical Engineering with world leading scientist in the field, including Prof. John A. Rogers (Northwester), Prof. Zhenan Bao (Stanford), Prof. Steven Prawer (UMelbourne) and many others.

Dr. Phan joins the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports, a Q1 journal published by Springer Nature. 

November 2021 
Dr. Phan and colleagues successfully organised the 2nd Griffith University ECR Cross-Institute Symposium on 5th November. The symposium brought together Early Career Researchers (PhD and up to 10 year post PhD) to network and share research and ideas on biomedical engineering. [Link]

September 2021
From 1 Oct, Dr. Phan will partly work at the University of Queensland as a visiting scholar (at the Yamauchi resarch group) to develop mesoporous nanoelectronics for physical sensors and health care applications. 

July 2021
Griffith Spotlights – research for a brighter future. Integrated Microelectronic Platform for Advanced Health Care and Therapy Spotlight is featured on Griffith News. The vision of this Spotlight is to quantify and interpret human movement to unlock effective rehabilitation and injury prevention. [Link]

March 2021
A/Prof. David Garrett (ARC Future Fellow) from RMIT University delivered an invited talk to QMNC's March Webinar. Prof. Garrett provided a snapshot on his work on neuron-electronic interfaces using a wide range of materials and architecture from diamond, graphene, to carbon fibers. His devices show promising potentials for bio implantation applications including restoring vision (bionic eyes), regaining the sense of sound (cochlea implant), and decoding neural activities (brain-machine interface). What a fantastic talk and many thanks, Dave! [Link for abstract]

December 2020
Dr. Phan will lead a new research program (Griffith Spotlight) entitled "Integrated Microelectronic Platform for Advanced health-Care and Therapy - IMPACT" together with Dr. Claudio Pizzolato from Menzies Health Institute. The program will fund two full time research associates (one in Phan's lab and one in Pizzolato's lab) to develop wearable devices and data analysis algorithms for personal health care applications. Phan is also a CI of another project funded this round and led by Prof. Paulo De Souza

November 2020
Research at Phan's lab featured in the Australia's most popular newspapers such as Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Brisbane Times, and Western Australia Today.

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