Awards and Honors
1. Vietnamese Mathematical Olympiad (VMO), 2004: Third prize
2. Exemption from national high school graduation and university entrance- examinations (2004)
(Participated in the final round of the national competition for Vietnam team @ International Mathematics Olympiad)
3. Hanoi University of Science and Technology, GPA ranked 2/3700 (first year students, 2005) (Nominated and then awarded scholarships to study abroad)
4. Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT) for outstanding undergraduate students, 2006-2011
5. Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT) for outstanding postgraduate students, 2011-2013
6. Griffith University Postgraduate Research and Griffith University International Postgraduate Research scholarships, 2013–2016
7. GGRS-IEIS Conference travel grants - Griffith University & Queensland Micro-Nanotechnology Centre 2015
8. Publication Assistance Scholarship for excellent HDR candidates (December 2015 to March 2016)
9. Best paper award 2016 Int. Conf. Nanotech. Nanomater. Energy (ICNNE) (coauthor)
10. Springer outstanding thesis award
11. Australian delegate attending the 23rd World Micromachines Summit
12. ANN Oversea Fellowship
13. GSC Early Career Research travel grant
14. Publon Top reviewers for Griffith University (2017)
15. Griffith University Postdoctoral Fellowship (i.e. Vice Chancellor's postdoc fellowship) 2017-2019
16. Fresh Science Queensland 2018
17. Publon Top Reviewers (1% Engineering) (2018)
18. Griffith University Excellent Internationalization Award (2018)
19. Publon Top Reviewers (1% Cross Field) (2019)
20. ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (2019)
21. Pro Vice Chancellor Early Career Researcher Award (2019)
22. Vice Chancellor Excellence in Research Award - ECR (2020)
23. Pro Vice Chancellor - Research Team Award (Micro System Team -MST) (2021)
Invited talks
1. The 23rd International Micromachines Summit, Barcelona, Spain 2017
2. International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN), 2018, Wollongong, NSW, Australia
3. International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials (ICEAN), 2018, Newcastle, NSW, Australia
4. International Conference on Nanospace Materials (ICNM), 2019, Brisbane, QLD, Australia [Abstract]
5. International Conference On Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN) 2020, Brisbane, QLD, Australia [Abstract]