Dr. Hoang-Phuong Phan
Hoang-Phuong Phan won the third prize at the Vietnamese National Mathematic Olympiad (VMO, 2004) and participated in the final round for the selection of the Vietnamese Team for the International Mathematic Olympiad (IMO). His mathematic solving skill and the ability to connect different areas of math shape his engineering approaches to address technological challenges and innovations. Currently, Dr. Phan is a Senior Lecturer and an ARC DECRA fellow at the school of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, UNSW Sydney. His research interests cover a broad range of semiconductor devices and applications, including MEMS/NEMS, integrated sensors, flexible electronics, and bio-sensing applications. Dr. Phan was a visiting scholar at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan in 2016, Stanford University, CA, USA in 2017, and Northwestern University, IL, USA in 2019. Dr. Phan has published over 100 journal articles (e.g. Nat. Comm., Science Adv., PNAS, ACS Nano, Adv. Funct. Mater., Angew Chemie., Nano Energy), two US patents, and four book/book-chapters, all in micro and nanotechnologies. He was a recipient of the Japanese Government scholarships (MEXT) for talented undergraduate & postgraduate students (2006 - 2013) at The University of Tokyo, Japan, and GUPRS & GUIPRS scholarships from Griffith for the doctoral course (2013-2016). Dr. Phan was honored with the GU publication award, the Springer outstanding theses award, the Australian Nanotechnology Network Fellowship, GU Postdoctoral Fellowship, the DECRA award, the Pro Vice-Chancellor ECR award (2019), the Griffith Vice-Chancellor Excellence in Research Award for ECR (2020), and the GROW award from UNSW. He serves in the Executive Technical Program Committee of the IEEE International Conferences on MicroElectroMechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS).
Research Highlights
Flexible mesoporous electronics for neural recording
Low-frequency acoustic sensors for health monitoring
Sensors and actuators for soft robotics
Wide band gap semiconductor nanomembranes for peripheral neural recording
Multimodal surgical endoscopy
Smart textile for health monitoring
SiC NWs using top-down process and thermal oxidation
SiC neural electrodes
Optoelectronics using mesoporous semiconductors
3D nanoarchitectures using strain engineering
Label-free biosensing using micro cantilevers & bioprinting
Material systems for biodegradable and long-lived flexible devices
Transfer printing of stretchable SiC nanomembranes
Self-powered SiC accelerometers and position sensors
Stretchable microfluidics and polymeric respiration sensors
Direct bio-printing on SiC MEMS
Electrochemical sensors using mesoporous architectures
ScAlN/SiC piezoelectric-piezoresistive hybrid systems
Long-lived flexible SiC electronics for bio-implant
Giant piezoresistive effect using opto-mechanic coupling
Wireless sensing in harsh environments
SiC/Si-based UV-NIR photodetector
SiC electrodes for cell stimulation & observation
Flexible CNT sensors
Microfluidics integrated SiC power electronics
Cryogenic SiC strain sensors
First-principle calculation of the PZR effect in n-type SiC
SiC flow sensors at 200C
Colorimetric and Electrochemical RNA sensors
SiC NWs pressure sensors
SiC-on-glass anodic bonding
3C-SiC NWs on insulator
Paper-based actuators
Excellent Rectifying Properties of the 3C-SiC/Si
SiC membranes for cell culture
Wearable sensors for respiration monitoring
CNT yarn flexible electronics
SiC NWs fabricated using FIB
Piezo-Hall effect in SiC
Si Origami 3D-structures using FIB
PZR in SiC at high temperatures
Thermoresistive effect in amorphous SiC
PZR in top-down Si NWs
SiC Van de Paw devices
Paper-based graphite sensors